Our Association is known as SBI Officers' Association, Bhopal Circle and registered with Registrar of Trade Union, Govt of M. P. in the year 1973 at Bhopal. State Bank of India Officers' Association, Bhopal Circle is known for one of the strongest unit of State Bank of India Officer's Association among various circles.
The Association with its 6700+ members have not only in the Bank in the state of india but also at AISBOF at AIBOC level. Its saga of struggles sacrifices and achievements has been led by leaders of SBIOA Bhopal Circle whose dedication to the movement is distinct and unmatched. SBIOA Bhopal Circle has established it strongly and is gaining strength day by day. Each and every issue of Officers is strongly taken up with the appropriate authority for proper redressal. It is the only recognised Association in MP and CG.Birth of our Association is due to highhandedness and intimidating attitude of the then State Bank management during that material time.
The Founding Fathers of this Association, Late Com.N.K jain K.p yadav took up the cudgel on behalf of the suffering officers and formed this Association. The leadership of this Association throughout has provided excellent leadership in facing the challenges so for and overcoming it with astounding success. As a result of this today our circle Association commands more than 99% of the membership.
From a small beginning in 1973 with hardly 250 members, today, we are a mighty organization having more than 6700 members. It is to our credit that our great leaders Ravi bilgaiyn P.k shrivastava and many of their associates launched a relentless struggle in order to create a Circle of State Bank of India in the State of Madhya pradesh and Chatishgarh.